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一年一度的IMS展览举行结合IMS,射频,ARFTG技术座谈会和提供了一个绝佳的机会见面对微波的社区。这是展览的协同结合技术座谈会,使微波国际首映周收集每个人的参与与射频相关技术,微波、毫米波太赫兹频率。 Come experience the many vendors and learn about  recent advances within the Microwave industry.  


The annual IMS Exhibition is held in conjunction with the IMS, RFIC, and ARFTG Technical Symposia and offers an excellent opportunity for all segments of the microwave community to meet. It is the synergy of the Exhibition in conjunction with the Technical Symposia that makes Microwave Week the premiere international gathering for everyone involved in technologies associated with RF, microwave, millimeter wave, and THz frequencies.


The Exhibition consists of over 550 Exhibitors who represent the state-of-the-art when it comes to materials, devices, components, and subsystems, as well as design and simulation software and test and measurement equipment. Whatever you are looking to acquire, you will find the industry leaders ready and willing to answer your purchasing and technical questions.


The Exhibition also includes MicroApps, short for Microwave Application Seminars, are 20 minute technical seminars presented by exhibitors at IMS addressing state-of-the-art products, processes, and applications of interest to the microwave community.


The Phoenix Convention Center is located at 100 N. 3rd St., Phoenix, AZ 85003


2015 IMS Exhibitor list

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